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What is indie beauty anyways?

Posted by Brittany Cochran on

There's a lot of categories of 'indie' out there–indie magazines, indie music, indie films, and the obvious here, indie beauty. But what does that mean exactly? Well, that's an excellent question! Let's explore...

Founder owned

Something unique happens when the founder has so much invested, personally and financially–their beliefs and values are automatically infused into the brand's DNA.

Probably the most basic definition of indie means to be independent of corporate control. The founder and owner of the company is the major stakeholder and decision maker. Something unique happens when the founder has so much invested, personally and financially–their beliefs and values are automatically infused into the brand's DNA. When a brand acts with these values at it's core it creates a real reason to exist beyond an opportunity to make money.  



Indie beauty brands have to be creative in order to set themselves a part.

Indie is also about doing things differently than the mainstream. Indie films don't look like blockbusters and indie music doesn't sound like the run of the mill pop music. To be indie means to offer something different to the cultural conversation. Beauty is a crazy crowded product space and for any brand to stand out it has to have a different spin on what's existing already. Indie beauty brands have to be creative in order to set themselves a part. Their creativity and unique values show up in their ingredients, sourcing, colors, product application, branding, customer interaction and charitable giving. 



Indie brands bring that passion and authentic voice to their story and that is exactly what consumers can relate to.

Indie isn't easy! Going against the grain takes real effort and a strong conviction in your product and values. It's often tireless work with incredible risk. I am constantly in awe of the drive that propels these founders to keep creating, improving and growing. Running a small business is an all consuming lifestyle! Indie brands bring that passion and authentic voice to their story and that is exactly what consumers can relate to.

In the literal sense indie is founder controlled, unconventional and infused with passion. Beyond the literal, indie is about celebrating diversity, not compromising values for profit, and supporting the founders that are working against the odds to make products that bring us joy everyday.  

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