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Got empties? We'll take those!

At Launch Party, one of our core values is making the world of beauty a more sustainably driven marketplace. While offering brands that share the same common goal of implementing sustainability practices is just one initiative we’ve tackled head on, we’re ready to take our commitment one step forward by offering a free recycling program!

How it works.

Just bring in your empty packaging of makeup, skincare, or general self care (think mascara tubes, eyeshadow palettes, shampoo bottles and shaving cream tubes) to our store and we’ll take it from there! Once it’s in our hands, we just ensure that the packaging is empty and ready to be shipped out to Terracycle, where they do the rest! 

Good things to know.

Products do not need to be thoroughly cleaned before drop off, just ensure that any visible excess is wiped away. 

We want to make recycling your beauty empties as easy as possible, so customers may bring in products from any brand, including those purchased from other retailers. We offer this service at no cost to our customers. 

Products that ARE accepted by Terracycle include:

  • Shampoo/Conditioner bottles and caps
  • Eyeliner pencils (non-wooden) and cases
  • Eyeshadow tubes
  • Face soap dispensers and tubes 
  • Hair gel tubes and caps
  • Hair paste plastic jars and caps
  • Lip balm & lip gloss tubes
  • Lotion bottles, tubes, dispensers, and jars
  • Mascara tubes
  • Plastic concealer tubes and sticks
  • Shaving foam tubes (no cans)
  • Spray bottles and triggers
  • Makeup compacts (with mirror is fine)

Products that are NOT accepted by Terracycle include:

  • Aerosol or pressurized cans
  • Electronic items such as blow dryers and/or straighteners
  • Perfume bottles
  • Nail polish bottles or removers
  • Wooden eyeliner pencils 
  • Any bio-medical or bio-hazardous waste
  • Partially full or full products

To learn more about Terracycle, visit

What if I can't make it to the store?

If you don't live in Cincinnati or can't make it to the shop, you are welcome to mail your empties to us.

We recommend using a free USPS box with flat rate shipping. Pack 'em up and mail it to—
5846 Hamilton Ave 
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

Thank you!

We know you care about the planet and the impact consumption has on the earth as much as we do. We are excited for you to join us in making our self-care routines a little more guilt-free.